ikea india

IKEA and IKEA Foundation CEOs Visit Project Sites

IKEA has opened its first store in India, located in Hyderabad, Telangana. Tanager is working with a group of 2,750 women farmers through a Mutually Aided Cooperative Society (MACS) who will be supplying vegetables to the store via Wynn Farms, its supplier. This work is part of the IKEA Foundation-funded United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Disha project.

IKEA CEO Jesper Brodin and Ikea Foundation CEO Per Heggenes recently visited the project sites and met with Tanager staff and farmers, reviewing the IKEA Food supply chain and learning about pertinent agricultural interventions.

The focus of Tanager’s work with UNDP/Disha also includes introducing organic practices and agricultural infrastructure to increase productivity, diversify production, improve carbon depleted soils, reduce the cost of production, and improve and ensure the quality and uniformity of vegetables—resulting in better pricing for farmers’ produce.