WHERE : Burkina Faso

Burkinabe woman checks cell phone while standing in front of a table with vegetables

Burkina Faso has a significant youth population that faces bleak employment prospects. A majority of the country’s population is under the age of 25, yet nearly half between the ages of 15 to 34 years old are unemployed. As insecurity fuels an unemployment crisis, youth—especially those in rural areas—become particularly susceptible to getting involved with violent extremist groups.

Market Solution

Understanding that digitalization can accelerate progress, Carrefour des Opportunités (CarrOpps) will leverage a combination of digital technologies and in-person hubs to improve youth engagement in positive activities and promote peace. The five-year project will facilitate access to digital resources, offer employment readiness training, provide entrepreneurship incubation, expand access to basic financial services, and offer health and nutrition coaching. Funded by the Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, CarrOpps aims to integrate youth 18 to 35 into Burkina Faso’s social and economic fabric.

CarrOpps is a follow-on to a three-year program, Cultivons L’Esprit D’Entreprise (CLE), also funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, that piloted entrepreneurial training amongst Burkinabé youth. As such, CarrOpps combines the successful entrepreneurship approach implemented under CLE and the proven life skills and employment readiness digital programs of new project partners AUXFIN and Bibliothèque Sans Frontiers (BSF). The combination of employment and entrepreneurship services and health, life, and social skills will be provided through both virtual digital youth hubs as well as in physical community centers.

Young Burkinabé man sits with laptop at table with Burkinabé woman


Carrefour des Opportunités


Burkina Faso



Market Impact

In addition to strengthening or creating 25,000 jobs, CarrOpps will have an impact across the entirety of Burkinabé society:

Orange shaded concentric circles indicating impacts for youth, households, public sector and private sector

Note: The photograph at the top of this page was created using artificial intelligence.